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We have 12 Policies. Please contact us for a copy of all policies.


CHILD PROTECTION POLICY  (Incorporating Intimate Care /  Affection / Mobile Phones & Online Safety)


To safeguard children and promote their welfare Jumping Jellybeans Pre-school/Childminding will:  create an environment to encourage children to develop a positive self-image, independence and autonomy in a way that is appropriate to their age and stage of development.  Provide a safe and secure environment for all children where they are always listened to.  Share information with other agencies as appropriate and necessary.

Types of abuse, but not limited to.....





Linked to Faith or Belief

Child Trafficking

County Lines

There will always be a Safeguarding Leader on site, or contactable by telephone, to support staff with safeguarding concerns at all times.



Our aim is for all staff members to attend regular training, at least annually, to ensure they recognise the symptoms and signs of possible abuse, and ensure their knowledge is up to date. The designated leaders will attend update training every 2 years, and attend the BCP Safeguarding Forums once every term to ensure their knowledge is refreshed and have an awareness of the current legislation and serious case reviews. All staff will have an awareness of  *Extremism and *Radicalisation and will understand their mandatory duty to report known cases.  All new staff will receive induction in the requirements for safeguarding children to ensure that they immediately put the procedures into practice.  

Safer Recruitment:

Known abusers will be excluded from employment in the Pre-school.  It will be made clear to employees that any position in the setting is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) will be made accordingly.  Ongoing Suitability Checks take place, and any concerns are addressed immediately with advice taken from Ofsted and the setting Childcare Officer.  If a staff member has harmed or put a child at risk of harm in the setting we fulfill our duty under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, by making a referral to the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS).

All applicants for posts in the setting must fully complete an application form and will undergo a robust interview.   References will be sought and followed up.  Any unexplained gaps in employment history, or rapidly changing jobs will have explanations sought.  Regular suitability checks will take place.  Applicants who may have lived or worked outside the UK will undergo a strengthened check, which will involve extra references being sought.

Information Sharing:

Children Act 2004 imposes new duties on all involved in the care of children, meaning the Safeguarding Coordinator will share information with various agencies, which includes Bournemouth, Dorset & Poole Multi Agency risk Assessment conferences (MARAC), as required when it is necessary to safeguard the welfare of the child.  Jumping Jellybeans has signed up and committed to work with Dorset Overarching Information Sharing Protocol (OAISP) to support the safeguarding of children.  Any information shared will be accurate, up-to-date and necessary for the purpose.  It will only be shared with those people who need to see it, and will be shared securely.

Support families:

  1. The Pre-school will build up trusting and supportive relationships between families, staff and volunteers in the group.

  2. Where abuse at home is suspected, the pre-school will continue to welcome the child and family while investigations and support strategies proceed.

  3. Confidential records kept on a child will be shared with the child’s parents.

  4. Within the provision tthe care and safety must always be paramount so the Pre-school will do all in its power to support and work with the child’s family.


The following procedures must be followed by staff members:

  1. A member of staff or student should never be left alone with a child where ever possible although there are times when a member of staff may find themselves in this situation e.g. when taking a child to the toilet. To ensure child safety at this time the toilet entrance door is kept open and the main hall door is hooked open.  Staff will provide intimate care such as bottom wiping if and when it is required, but will encourage children to learn to do this for themselves.  Parents will be consulted as to how much support the child requires during their home visit and settling in sessions. 

  2. Always tell another member of staff where they are going and for what reason

  3. If possible stay in sight of another person and also if possible within ear shot

  4. If  they change a child’s clothing or nappy they must make sure they tell another member of staff what they are going to do and why, and which child (children) they are taking with them.

  5. Always record changes of clothing in the child’s personal ‘care folder’ and inform parents. 

  6. Parents must be questioned as to existing injuries seen on a child when they arrive in the setting, and information will be recorded in the child’s personal care folder.

  7. Injuries sustained during the session will be recorded in the settings accident book which is evaluated on a termly basis for repeated injuries.


If any staff member suspects a child has been subject to possible child abuse or suspects Radicalisation or Extremism:

1.         Report it directly to the Safeguarding Leader.

2.         Make a brief but factual written report stating date, time, and people involved.  The child’s exact   

              words must be recorded, and staff will not question or lead the child during a disclosure.

3.         Do not talk to other staff about the concern.  The safeguarding Coordinator will observe the child, and work with parents where                          possible, discussing concerns and actions taken  (when appropriate), acknowledging that working in partnership with parents is                            desirable.  If a child is thought to be at increased risk of significant harm referrals will be made without consent.

4.         If further concerns are apparent after working in partnership with the parent/carer then the Safeguarding Leader will contact Social                  Services, PREVENT and OFSTED for guidance.



Should any member of staff/parents suspect a staff member or Safeguarding Leader or local authority of abuse then the following procedure must be taken (whistle blowing)

  1. Document details accurately.

  2. Report to OFSTED and Social Services immediately and follow the given advice.


Non independently mobile children:

Jumping Jellybeans work to the Dorset Safeguarding Children Board (DSCB) Protocol of recording and reporting ‘bruising, bleeding, fractures and possible injuries in children who are Not Independently Mobile.  The written guidance recognises that professional judgment and responsibility have to be exercised at all times.  It is noted that it is not always easy to identify with certainty a skin marks as a bruise or a burn, so practitioners at Jumping Jellybeans will take action in line with this protocol, if they suspect the observed skin mark could be a bruise or a burn, or could be the result of injury or trauma.


Other marks, abrasions or presentations in children, both mobile and not independently mobile, always require an explanation, and action should be based on professional judgment and usual safeguarding practice.  Jumping Jellybeans practitioners will not suggest a possible reason for the bruising/bleeding/swelling, but will seek an explanation from the parent/carer, and document this as part of our normal safeguarding practice.


Children with disabilities or Special Educational Needs:

The designated Safeguarding Leader will ensure that staff have understanding of promoting the welfare of the child in relation to 

disability, and that it is recognised that disabled children receive the same levels of protection from harm as non-disabled children.

Staff understand the importance of communication and recognise that all children can communicate their preferences when asked the right way, with the adult having knowledge of their needs and having the skills to listen to them.


Security in the setting:

There is a password system in place which is used when the child is to be collected by a different adult.  A child will not be released to the adult unless the password can be given and the pre-school will contact the parent for further information and instructions.  Parents must inform the Key Person if they know in advance that someone else will be collecting their child.  A child will not be released to a person under the age of 18 years of age.


The settings entrance door is kept locked at all times, and a staff member opens and closes the door behind each parent/carer when dropping off or collecting a child.


Photographs and video’s will not be used for any purpose other than that as indicated by the parent/carer on the registration form.  More in depth details can be see in our E-safety Policy.

Visitors to the setting:

Before an adult/student visits the setting a risk assessment takes place.  This identities any risks to the children and the visitor allowing the experience to be planned and safe.  Visitors are never left alone with children, and are always in close proximity of a staff member.  A record of all visitors to the setting is kept by means of a ‘Visitors Book’.

Radicalisation  -  is defined as ‘the act or process of making a person more radical or favoring of extreme or fundamental changes in political, economic or social conditions, institutions or habits of the mind’.

Extremism  -  is defined as ‘vocal or active opposition to the fundamental British values, including democracy, the  rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.  We also include in our definition of extremism calls the death of members of our armed forces.


The Pre-school’s designated Safeguarding Leader is Debbie Southern.  -   0770 883 9918

The Pre-school's second designated Safeguarding Leader is Judith Barringer. - 0770 883 9918

BCP Children’s First Response Hub - 01202 123334

Children’s Social Care Out of Hours  - 01202 738256.

The Safeguarding referral unit of Police -  01202 222229

 LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer). -  01202 456744.

PREVENT Lead  -  01202 223320

OFSTED  -  0300 1231231

OFSTED Whistle Blower Hotline. -  0300 1233155

NSPCC Helpline -  0808 8005000


Intimate care is any care which involves washing, touching or carrying out an invasive procedure (such as cleaning up a child after they have soiled themselves, or wiping a child’s bottom).

Jumping Jellybeans Pre-school ensure that intimate care is provided with dignity and respect and we recognise the importance of privacy and discretion. Staff will deal with children sympathetically and with kindness where toileting accidents occur, and will not act or speak to the child in any way that caused embarrassment or humiliation.


Intimate care will only be predominantly provided by the child’s Key Person who will have an enhanced DBS disclosure certificate  (or another familiar staff member in the Key Persons absence).


Staff will ensure that other children respect the privacy of the child concerned.  Changing of wet/soiled nappies and clothing will be completed away from other children under hygienic conditions in the settings toilet area using appropriate equipment provided.  Staff are required to wear protective gloves and will bag any wet or soiled clothing to be taken home by the child’s parent/carer.  Surfaces will be hygienically wiped after use, and nappies will be appropriately wrapped and disposed of in the outside bin.


Staff will explain to the child the need to be changed and will seek their cooperation.  We will not forcibly change children to cause distress.  Under exceptional circumstance where a child is very clear in their refusal to be change by Jumping Jellybeans staff, we may phone the parent/carer to attend the setting to complete their child’s intimate care.


Jumping Jellybeans recognises the importance of working in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals in providing the best possible care for children who may need intimate care.  The cooperation of parent/carers and professionals in providing information, consent and sufficient personal articles, e.g. nappies/pull ups, wipes, cream (if appropriate) and sufficient spare clothing is critical to us taking care of your child.


Parents/careers who have concerns about any aspect of intimate care being given at Pre-school should speak to the pre-school designated Safeguarding Leader immediately.



At Jumping Jellybeans we aim to provide a strong bond with our children making their time with us to be happy, safe and secure.  

We do this by showing affection when it is needed. As a setting we believe in giving cuddles when a child is sad, upset, hurt or shows signs to receive affection.


We feel it is important to always ask the child if they would like a cuddle and not just assume that they want to be picked up and cuddled. Some children may just want to sit in a quiet place and have their comforter and take a few minutes to calm themselves down.


Staff at Jumping Jellybeans never give cuddles to children in a room by themselves.  The child is always given signs of affection and comfort in the main hall in the presence of other staff members. 


A child will not be kept on a staff members lap for longer than is necessary and will be encouraged to sit beside the staff whilst being cuddled or given comfort.  This is for the protection of the children, and prevents possible accusations being made against staff members, which relates to safeguarding children guidelines.  


At Jumping Jellybeans we never carry children around the setting for a long period of time.   If we do need to carry them for any reason we take them to a chair or to one of the mats on the floor as soon as possible. This meets the guidelines for Manual Handling thus protecting the staff from back injury and the children from possibly being dropped and injured.  




As an Ofsted registered childcare provider our online safety policies and procedures must be written in line with the Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership multi-agency procedures. These policies and procedures must also meet the requirements of the current EYFS Statutory Framework and / or Childcare Register requirements. 

Mobile phone usage 


  • The setting mobile phone is to be used as a business use only mobile with the appropriate security measures in place.

  • The settings contact number is to be given as an emergency number in case a member of staff needs to be contacted .

  • In line with safer working practices, staff should not use texting to communicate with parents about their children.

  • Staff must have a clear understanding of what constitutes the misuse of mobile phones, they must be vigilant and alert to any potential warning signs of misuse and report any concerns immediately.

  • Photographs are not taken of children on working mobile phones. Photographs should not be sent to parents via messaging services including (but not limited to Text, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger or Instagram etc.) as they can be intercepted once sent.

  • Mobile phones may have a front and rear facing camera, this could lead to images being recorded without permission

  • Staff will be aware of location apps on mobile phones, as these may display the location of the setting and are sometimes automatically activated.


Personal mobile phones 

  • Staff must not have their personal mobile phone on their person during working hours, including when on outings. 

  • Mobile phones must be kept in a container in a secure area, away from where the children are accommodated.

  • Staff may have access to their phones during break times, but only in the Community Garden, away from the children in line with setting policies and procedures.

  • Staff must not use any personal cameras, including those on mobile phones, to photograph the children or make video or audio recordings. 

  • In line with safer working practices, staff must not give their personal contact details to parents.

  • In line with safer working practices, staff must not use their personal mobile phone to contact parents.

  • In line with safer working practices, practitioners must not request, or respond to, any personal information from the parent.

  • Staff are responsible for their own belongings; the setting must make it clear that they are not liable for loss or damage of personal mobiles. These should be password protected and insured.

  • Staff must not have inappropriate or illegal content on their mobile phone. 

Provider mobile phones 

  • The setting mobile phone must be one without a camera and is solely for business use. 

  • Parents contact details must not be stored on the setting mobile phone and paper contact details must be used, including on outings.

  • Setting mobile phones must be stored in a secure place when not in use.

  • Only authorised users must have access to the setting mobile phone. 

  • Provider mobile phones must use the appropriate security settings, these may include; a pin, password or passcodes 

  • Staff must not use the setting mobile phone for personal use. 

  • In the case of the Atelier, other members of the household must not have access to the setting mobile phone.


Parents and visitors 

  • Parents and visitors must be made aware of the policies and procedures regarding mobile phones and understand that they will be challenged if they do not follow these. 

  • All parents and visitors to the setting must be informed that they are entering a ‘mobile free zone’.  All visitors mobile phones must stay in their bag, coat pocket in the cloakroom.


Digital, video Images and audio recordings (including livestreaming)


  • All devices used in the setting for the purpose of taking photographs, videos or audio recordings, must be kept secure and usage monitored by the setting Online Safety Leaders.


Taking images 

  • Informed written parental permission must be obtained before any images of children are taken. Consent should be reviewed on a regular basis (termly). 

  • Informed written parental permission must be obtained before digital images are recorded by practitioners or other parents, during setting events such as parties, shows, fundraising events and publicity events. This must be sought prior to the event and clearly state why and how the images are being used. 

  • Staff must only take digital images using the setting’s camera, and then only with parental permission. Personal equipment must never be used to record images of children. 

  • Images of a child must not be taken against their wishes.

  • Staff must remain vigilant when taking digital/video images of the children to ensure they are appropriately dressed and in appropriate areas of the setting 


Professional photography 

  • If using professional photographers written parental permission must be obtained prior to the event and staff must ensure the photographer is reputable, has appropriate DBS checks and is never left unsupervised with the children. 


Storing, sharing and publishing images 

  • Images taken of the setting or children must only be downloaded onto the provider’s business ICT equipment. They must not be downloaded onto any personal equipment or device. These images must be stored in a separate file that can be accessed by the setting staff only, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, and GDPR from May 2018. Digital images must be stored in a secure (password protected) file on the computer accessible only by appropriate staff and in accordance with data protection 

  • Informed written parental permission must be obtained before any images are published on setting websites, media platforms, setting literature and in any other promotional articles.

  • Children’s full names must not be used alongside their photographs within the setting, on websites, professional social media platforms or literature. 

Social networking sites – for example, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Pinterest and many more! 

Business use

  • The setting social network platforms and / or websites must have secure privacy settings and be implemented to the highest privacy setting and regularly checked by the settings Online Safety Leaders.

  • Parents must be made aware of how the setting plan to use social media .

  • Care must be taken, as with all forms of advertising including publishing pictures and articles, to maintain confidentiality, policies and uphold professional responsibilities. For example, children must not be able to be identified through photographs uploaded or any comments made. 

  • Staff must have a clear understanding of how to report inappropriate usage of social networking sites and to do so as required.


Personal use 

  • Staff must not put any details, references or discussions relating to their work on any form of personal social networking site. 

  • Staff must be aware of the possible implications when entering personal details on any online platform.

  •  Staff must not invite or accept parents, children and/or young people as ‘friends’, or communicate with them in any way via any personal social networking site. 

  • If parents from the setting are family members or pre-existing close friends with staff, they must share this information with the manager and strict guidelines would be vital to maintain high professional standards in line with the provider’s policy. 

  • Photographs, names of, or any comments about children must never be placed on any personal social networking site. 

  • Staff must not engage in any online activity that may compromise their professional responsibilities and the reputation of the setting. .

  • It is the individual staff members responsibility to protect their professional status, for example:- 

.. Make sure security settings are not open access. 

.. Social networking site’s privacy policies frequently change so staff  should change their settings to ensure the  

   highest privacy settings possible. This includes passwords.

.. Staff must not accept people they do not know as friends – they could be service users. 

.. Staff must be aware that belonging to a ‘group’ can be another way into their profile.

.. Staff must ensure their family and friends  protect their  professional status by not sharing any personal information, 

   not to post tagged images of them on their profiles and / or make comments that may compromise their  professional 



Parents and visitors 

  • Parents and visitors must be made aware that they are entering a ‘tablet and laptop free zone’ 

  • Parents must be made aware of the restrictions around making comments or uploading photographs of children in the setting (other than their own) without permission from the relevant parent.

  • Parents to be made aware of and adhere to the setting’s Online Safety Policy and action must be taken if parents do not adhere to the relevant policies. 


Computer/ laptops/ tablets etc. (including use of internet and e-mail) 


  • All ICT equipment must remain in the setting (Hall or Atelier) at all times. This is to minimise the risk of computer viruses and for data protection purposes. 

  • Settings must ensure that all programmes used and website accessed are appropriate and that children are not able to access or download material which is unsuitable for children’s use. 

  • Children must be supervised at all times if accessing the internet. 


Staff use 

  • When using Zoom or Teams to communicate with parents and families, backgrounds must not show children (unless parental consent has been given) or inappropriate images.

  • Staff must not forward any setting work, files, information etc. stored on the setting computer / laptop to their home computer, laptop, tablet, phone, etc 

  • Staff must not use any personal memory devices on the setting’s computer / laptop. Memory sticks provided by the setting must be used for work purposes only and must not be taken off the premises. 

  • Staff must not access, copy, remove or otherwise alter any other user’s files, without their expressed permission.

  • Staff must not install or store programmes of any type or try to alter any computer / laptop / tablet settings, unless permission has been granted and changes are in line with current legislation, guidance, policies and procedures.

  • Staff must abide by all security measures, including creating and using strong passwords. 

  • All email communication must be appropriate and written in a professional manner. 

  • E-mail attachments should only be opened if they are from a source known and trusted, due to the risk of the attachment containing viruses or other harmful programmes. 

  • Illegal or inappropriate materials must not be uploaded, downloaded or accessed. If this is found on equipment, the police, Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and Social Care must be informed immediately and the equipment must not be used, removed or destroyed. 


SMART doorbells  and CCTV – Atelier only

  • The Atelier Smart Doorbell has the capability to display a live video feed and/or record who is at your door. Staff must ensure all people are made aware that a smart doorbell is in use. 

  • The Atelier has CCTV in use. Staff must ensure all people are made aware of the CCTV.

  • The Registered Person must ensure that all data is regularly deleted from the Smart Doorbell and CCTV device and only the manager has access to the camera recording.



  • Staff must not Play online games with service users i.e. children, young people, their parents or carers. This can be difficult when the culture is to play with ‘randoms’. Staff must check this out before they play online with someone they don’t know.

Online Leader: Debbie Southern

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